Memorial Park District Online Registration
Welcome to the Memorial Park District Parks & Recreation Online Registration System
Memorial Park District Parks & Recreation Department is pleased to introduce WebTrac Online Registration. This system will enable you to register online your household members (family) and yourself for many of the activities, passes and rentals offered by the department. To access and start your online registration, click the button to visit WebTrac!
First-Time Participants
If this is your first time registering for any of our activities, passes or rentals, you will not be able to register until you create a household account with an email. Household account registration can be done online and the account will need to be confirmed before proceeding and will take 48 hours to confirm. You can also create an account in-person at any of our three facilities, Eisenhower or Sharp Centers and the Fitness Center.
Current Participants
If you have registered for any of our activities, passes or rentals before and we have your email address, an email will be sent with the web online URL and how to create a household account. In order to take advantage of an online registration, you must have an email on file. If you need help accessing your account, you may call or visit Eisenhower or Sharp Centers and the Fitness Center.
Scan This code to access and start your online registration!